Friday, February 29, 2008

Vaccine Case Conceded in Federal Court

So, I am anti-vaccinations. I absolutely refuse to get LuLu vaccinated and have refused since her birth, where they tried to push the Hep B vax on us even before she left the hospital. I absolutely disagree with injecting live modified or even killed virus into infants, the reason being that their immune systems are still undeveloped. By injecting a vaccine into someone with an undeveloped immune system you alter forever the way their immune system responds when they actually do get sick later. It's folly to think we can provide a vaccine for every single disease out there and have out children never get sick. Getting sick is part of growing up; they are called childhood diseases for a reason. They help build a strong and healthy immune system that will function appropriately in adulthood. Aside from the immune response being altered, several additives in vaccines are cause for great concern, including heavy metals like lead and aluminum that act as buffers and thimerosal, a mercury-derived preservative.

Why are these things bad? For those in the know, aka those who do some research before blindly injecting their children with whatever their doctor tells them to, there is a strong causal link between heavy metal poisoning, especially mercury, and Autistic Spectrum Disorders including full-blown autism. There is also growing evidence that vaccines are directly resonsible for SIDS deaths. SIDS deaths peak between the ages of 2-4 months, which coincidentally the start of the first major round of vaccinations in a normal vaccination schedule.

Since it is our government's policy to deny, deny, deny everything until the evidence is insurmountable and the public is duly tipped-off, it comes as a surprise to those of us in the anti-vax fringe group that the US federal court condeced a vaccination case, saying that vaccines did indeed directly cause ASD in one individual, a little girl who before her first round of vaccinations at 18 months was perfectly normal and healthy, showing no signs of autism. Now, she has seizures, the characteristic staring at lights, rocking back and forth, and unwillingness to look people in the face that are classic signs of autistic disorder.

For all the new parents out there, I urge you to do your own research to decide what is appropriate for your own family. At least be informed, and if you still make the decision to vaccinate your children please do it with all the facts. That's my public service annoucement for the day. Here are links to the federal case, as well as some other links regarding vaccinations:

David Kirby: Government Concedes Vaccine-Autism Case in Federal Court - Now What? - Living on The Huffington Post


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